Monday, February 23, 2009

Robert Pattison the New Tracy Chapman?

Like the rest of the known universe I have read and watched Twilight by Stephanie Meyers. And so now I proudly wear my "I heart boys who sparkle" pin where ever I go. But frankly I have different reasons for that. I unlike the rest of the known universe have not fallen in love with these books. I work at a bleeding library, if I didn't read them I was probably going to get a stake right through the ol' ticker. I heart boys who sparkle because I have the attention span of a goldfish and if I see something sparkly you know I am going to go after it and if that sparkly thing is a dude, well, I just won the jackpot. So after eventually reading the first book, I went with a bunch of co-workers to see the movie. Little did I know that Robbie wrote some of the music for the movie. So eventually again I found out which songs those were. Lo and behold, they were the songs I assumed were Tracy Chapman while watching the movie. I actually did think to myself while in the theater "Wow this director really likes Tracy Chapman". What a freaking mind blow. It's like seeing that kid sing Never Gonna Give You Up. Well I guess Tracy can either get worried or get smart. She could freak out and pray her career doesn't get snatched up by this tiger beat dream boat, or she could get smart and use sparkly Rob to fill in for her when she isn't feeling well. People loved Robert Downy Jr in Tropic Thunder with all that black face. Just step it up a notch and have Robert impersonate a black woman, Tracy Chapman. It's genius! But yes, I am not saying to go listen to his music to support him or anything, just listen and make the same realization I did and just freak out your brain.

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